Education, protection, and all your inspections paid for.

The RIGHT agent matters when competing for your dream home.

We put together a full marketing plan that paints you as the “right buyer” for the home you want. Then we work meticulously to craft an offer that makes you stand out.

Our offers have beaten 5, 10, even over 15 other offers to win our buyers ideal homes, often times these other offers were for more money.

That is the true testament to the success of our process.

We have a team of trusted inspectors that we have built up over the years. From general inspectors, to sewer inspectors, roof inspectors, termite inspectors, foundation inspectors, mold, asbestos, and more, we will make sure that the home you want to buy is evaluated from top to bottom.

The cost of those inspections adds up, so we just take care of them for you. That way you get your dream home in the condition you expect it to be in.

Inspecting your home can be a daunting process.

Expertise from start to finish.

I am your project manager, question-answerer, document de-mystifier, emotional supporter, and expert guide.


Introduction to lenders, financial preparedness, discussion of home types, budget, areas, schools, lifestyle, restaurants, safety, and crafting a story to sell you as the right buyer for your dream home.


Personalized home search with individual recommendations, and optimized showing schedules for home tours.


In-person accompaniment on home tours to provide my insight on the state of the home, possible areas of concern, pricing advice, estimation of potential repair costs for budgeting, street-by-street feedback on location, as well as honest feedback on my personal thoughts for each home we see together.


Full list of comparable properties, education on all aspects of the purchase agreement and real estate disclosures, advisement on crafting the right offer for a particular property, and the pros and cons of various terms you can choose to modify, and negotiation on your behalf for the best price and terms.


Guidance through hundreds of pages of documents including seller disclosures, statewide disclosures, environmental and natural hazard disclosure, title and easement, consumer privacy, and more, recommendations for inspectors and in-person guidance during all inspections, crafting of request for repairs negotiation to reduce repair costs, full appraisal support including any appeals process, access to my Transaction Coordinator and Real Estate Attorney.


Reimbursement of all inspection costs, support during signing of all closing documents, negotiating transfer of property and key hand off, move in package, utilities transfer assistance, HOA transfer if applicable.


Assistance with any repairs, worker recommendations, HOA issues, renovation recommendations, refinance options, property tax questions, and more.

In short, I remain a resource, in perpetuity, at no additional expense!

In addition to over 7 years of real estate experience, I have personally renovated multiple homes, and have overseen every single aspect of home repair, both from a systems and an aesthetic standpoint. I continue to curate a rolodex of referrals and recommendations that I can suggest for you your new home in the years after your purchase.

Want a knowledge boost?

Watch this video to learn exactly how to prepare now to purchase a home, even if you are more than one year out!

Educating and protecting my clients as we brave the market together.